IOCCC Flight Simulator

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The IOCCC Flight Simulator was the winning entry in the 1998 International Obfuscated C Code Contest. It is a flight simulator in under 2 kilobytes of code, complete with relatively accurate 6-degree-of-freedom dynamics, loadable wireframe scenery, and a small instrument panel.

IOCCC Flight Simulator runs on Unix-like systems with X Windows. As per contest rules, it is in the public domain.



You have just stepped out of the real world and into the virtual. You are now sitting in the cockpit of a Piper Cherokee airplane, heading north, flying 1000 feet above ground level.

Use the keyboard to fly the airplane. The arrow keys represent the control stick. Press the Up Arrow key to push the stick forward. Press the left arrow key to move the stick left, and so on. Press Enter to re-center the stick. Use Page Up and Page Down increase and decrease the throttle, respectively. (The rudder is automatically coordinated with the turn rate, so rudder pedals are not represented.)

On your display, you will see on the bottom left corner three instruments. The first is the airspeed indicator; it tells you how fast you’re going in knots. The second is the heading indicator, or compass. 0 is north, 90 is east, 180 is south, 270 is west. The third instrument is the altimeter, which measures your height above ground level in feet.


To use, type:

cat | ./banks

banks is the name of the program (a quirk of IOCCC rules, and no pun intended). and are scenery files.


  • Simulator models a Piper Cherokee, which is a light, single-engine, propeller-driven airplane.
  • The airplane is modeled as a six degree-of-freedom rigid body, accurately reflecting its dynamics (for normal flight conditions, at least).
  • Fly through a virtual 3-D world, while sitting at your X console.
  • Loadable scenery files.
  • Head-up display contains three instruments: a true airspeed indicator, a heading indicator (compass), and an altimeter.
  • Flight controls may be mapped to any keys at compile time by redefining the macros in the build file. Nice if your keyboard doesn’t have arrow keys.
  • Time step size can be set at compile time. This is useful to reduce flicker on network X connections. (But be careful: step sizes longer than about 0.03 seconds tend to have numerical stability problems.)
  • Airplane never stalls!
  • Airplane never runs out of fuel!


Each of the *.sc files is a scenery file. The simulator program reads in the scenery from standard input on startup. You may input more than one scenery file, as long as there are less than 1000 total lines of input.

Here is a brief description of the scenery files:

  • – A horizon, nothing more. You will probably always want to input this piece of scenery.
  • – An alternate horizon; a little more mountainous.
  • – Scenery of downtown Pittsburgh. The downtown area is initially located to your right.
  • – Simple obstacle course. Try to fly over the buildings and under the bridges.
  • – Fly over the tombs of the ancient Pharaohs in this (fictitious) Egyptian landscape.
  • – Follow a flowing river from the sky.

A few examples of how to input scenery:

cat | ./banks
cat | ./banks
cat | ./banks

You can simulate flying through a cloud bank as well:

./banks < /dev/null

You will usually want at least a horizon, though.

The format of scenery files is simple, by the way. They’re just a list of 3-D coordinates, and the simulator simply draws line segments from point to point as listed in the scenery file. 0 0 0 is used to end a series of consecutive line segments. Note that in the coordinate system used, the third coordinate represents altitude in a negative sense: negative numbers are positive altitudes.

I’m sure you’ll be making your own scenery files very soon!!!

Alternate Build Instructions

Several options must be passed to the compiler to make the build work. The provided build file has the appropriate options set to default values. Use this section if you want to compile with different options.

To map a key to a control, you must pass an option to the compiler in the format “-Dcontrol=key”. The possible controls you can map are described in the table below:

Control  Description           Default Key
-------  --------------------- -----------
IT       Open throttle         XK_Page_Up
DT       Close throttle        XK_Page_Down
FD       Move stick forward    XK_Up
BK       Move stick back       XK_Down
LT       Move stick left       XK_Left
RT       Move stick right      XK_Right
CS       Center stick          XK_Enter

Values for the possible keys can be found in the X Windows header file <X11/keysym.h>. This file is most likely a cross-reference to another header, <X11/keysymdef.h>.

You must map all seven controls to keys at compile time, or the compilation will fail.

For example, to map Center Stick to the space-bar, the compile option would be “-DCS=XK_space”.

To set the time step size, you must pass the following option to the compiler: “-Ddt=duration”, where dt is literal, and where duration is the time in seconds you want the time step to be.

Two things to keep in mind when selecting a time step. Time steps that are too large (more than about 0.03) will cause numerical stability problems and should be avoided. Setting the time step to be smaller than your clock resolution will slow down the simulator, because the system pauses for more time than the simulator expects.

The best advice is to set time step size to your system timer resolution. Try a longer period if you’re getting too much flicker.

Screen Shots

Here we are flying towards Downtown Pittsburgh. We can see the Point, several buildings including the USX tower, and several bridges including the Smithfield Street bridge. We see three instruments near the bottom.

About the IOCCC Entry

IOCCC stands for “International Obfuscated C Code Contest.” It is an quasi-annual contest to see who can write the most unreadable, unintelligible, unmanagable, but legal C program.

In the 1998 IOCCC, My flight simulator won the “Best of Show” prize. Here is the source code to the program:

#include                                     <math.h>
#include                                   <sys/time.h>
#include                                   <X11/Xlib.h>
#include                                  <X11/keysym.h>
                                          double L ,o ,P
                                         s[999],E,h= 8,I,
                                        1E3,r,t, u,v ,W,S=
                                        a,B,A=32.2,c, F,H;
                                        int N,q, C, y,p,U;
                                       Window z; char f[52]
                                    ; GC k; main(){ Display*e=
 XOpenDisplay( 0); z=RootWindow(e,0); for (XSetForeground(e,k=XCreateGC (e,z,0,0),BlackPixel(e,0))
; scanf("%lf%lf%lf",y +n,w+y, y+s)+1; y ++); XSelectInput(e,z= XCreateSimpleWindow(e,z,0,0,400,400,
0,0,WhitePixel(e,0) ),KeyPressMask); for(XMapWindow(e,z); ; T=sin(O)){ struct timeval G={ 0,dt*1e6}
; K= cos(j); N=1e4; M+= H*_; Z=D*K; F+=_*P; r=E*K; W=cos( O); m=K*W; H=K*T; O+=D*_*F/ K+d/K*E*_; B=
sin(j); a=B*T*D-E*W; XClearWindow(e,z); t=T*E+ D*B*W; j+=d*_*D-_*F*E; P=W*E*B-T*D; for (o+=(I=D*W+E
*T*B,E*d/K *B+v+B/K*F*D)*_; p<y; ){ T=p[s]+i; E=c-p[w]; D=n[p]-L; K=D*m-B*T-H*E; if(p [n]+w[ p]+p[s
]== 0|K <fabs(W=T*r-I*E +D*P) |fabs(D=t *D+Z *T-a *E)> K)N=1e4; else{ q=W/K *4E2+2e2; C= 2E2+4e2/ K
 *D; N-1E4&& XDrawLine(e ,z,k,N ,U,q,C); N=q; U=C; } ++p; } L+=_* (X*t +P*M+m*l); T=X*X+ l*l+M *M;
  XDrawString(e,z,k ,20,380,f,17); D=v/l*15; i+=(B *l-M*r -X*Z)*_; for(; XPending(e); u *=CS!=N){
                                   XEvent z; XNextEvent(e ,&z);
                                         N-LT? UP-N?& E:&
                                         J:& u: &h); --*(
                                         DN -N? N-DT ?N==
                                         RT?&u: & W:&h:&J
                                          ); } m=15*F/l;
                                          c+=(I=M/ l,l*H
                                          +I*M+a*X)*_; H
                                           )/S; K=F*M+(
                                           h* 1e4/l-(T+
                                           a=2.63 /l*d;
                                           X+=( d*l-T/S
                                            *(.19*E +a
                                            )-M* v +A*
                                            Z)*_; l +=
                                            K *_; W=d;
                                            "%5d  %3d"
                                            "%7d",p =l
                              O*57.3)%0550,(int)i); d+=T*(.45-14/l*
                             X-a*130-J* .14)*_/125e2+F*_*v; P=(T*(47
                             *I-m* 52+E*94 *D-t*.38+u*.21*E) /1e2+W*
                             179*v)/2312; select(p=0,0,0,0,&G); v-=(
                               )/107e2)*_; D=cos(o); E=sin(o); } }

Note that this program will not compile out-of-the-box. It requires certain compile-time parameters. The folloing script builds it on my Linux system:

#! /bin/sh
cc banks.c -o banks -DIT=XK_Page_Up -DDT=XK_Page_Down \
        -DUP=XK_Up -DDN=XK_Down -DLT=XK_Left -DRT=XK_Right \
        -DCS=XK_Return -Ddt=0.02 -lm -lX11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib

If you want to try this program, I suggest you download the 1998 IOCCC Winners Distribution.

One of the rules of the contest was that the program could not be longer than 1536 bytes (excluding spaces, tabs, newlines, semicolons, and braces). Needless to say, cramming a flight simulator into such a small file was fairly difficult. I will say that if it weren’t for the wonderful property of orthogonal matrices, this flight simulator would not have been possible.


  • The IOCCC Simulator appeared in a book, Calculated Bets by Steve Skiena.
  • Wikipedia has a listing of IOCCC Simluator in its IOCCC Entry.



I do not distribute this program myself. If you want it, you can download the 1998 IOCCC Winners Distribution. The distribution comes with a dozen or so other winning entries, all quite interesting programs.

Note that this is a source distribution, and you will have compile it to run it. I’ve tested it on some versions of Linux, AIX, Irix, and Sun.

IOCCC Flight Simulator source code is in the public domain; there are no copyright restrictions on it whatsoever. However, the winners distribution has been copyrighted by the IOCCC judges. See the hint files in the distribution for details.

New Blog

I’ve had a web presence since 1995.

In those 15 years, many things about the World Wide Web have changed tremendously, but one thing has remained the same: my web pages have been almost entirely static. Except for a few minor cgi-bin applications (including the Oracle of Notre Dame in a previous form), all my web content was edited on my desktop, uploaded, and served as-is.

Well, I’ve finally jumped on the dynamic content bandwagon. Welcome to my new blog. Like any respectable web app, it stores content in a database and retrieves it upon request.

So what pushed me over? Well, it’s mostly a matter of the right technologies coming together and getting support from inexpensive web hosts. Until recently (last few years), most inexpensive web hosts only supported dynamic content with PHP (which I will never touch) and cgi-bin scripts. CGI is terrible for anything more than trivial apps. But lately web hosts are supporting a wider variety of web frameworks (largely due to the success of Ruby on Rails, I think).

With that development I began considering to implement my own dynamic content in Python. There are now tons of libraries one can leverage to take care of the gory details (and that’s all I wanted—which is why I didn’t go with a framework like Django). I found CherryPy to be especially helpful to take care of all the HTTP aspects, while not being overly formulaic to use. The major libraries that came together for my blog are:

  • CherryPy manages the HTTP aspects
  • Mako manages the HTML templating
  • Docutils converts user input to HTML
  • SQLAlchemy manages the database
  • Elixir set up the SQLAlchemy’s ORM classes

I threw together a couple small apps with CherryPy and SQLAlchemy, and then decided I was ready to try for a blog, and here it is.

List of Facebook Apps I’ve blocked


August 6, 2010

Facebook added an application kill switch, which I invoked, so now all applications are blocked. Yay.

Here is a list of Facebook apps I’ve blocked. With one minor exception, my policy is not to allow any third-party Facebook apps.

Even though I use Facebook sparingly (it’s mostly there just in case people want to find me), I find Facebook apps irritating enough to stomp out and brag about it. Besides being annoying information vomit, they are often also security risks (they can phish information from your Facebook profile if you allow them).

The first 20 or so apps on this list I blocked before even having used them; when I first signed up I browsed through the most popular apps and blocked them all. I take great pride in having blocked SuperPoke without ever having been SuperPoked.

Here’s the list:

  • Causes
  • MyCalendar
  • Birthday Calendar
  • Abrazos
  • IQ Test
  • Agenda de cumpleaños
  • Pittsburgh Steelers Fans
  • Top Friends
  • Collect Hearts
  • Pieces of Flair
  • Birthday Cards
  • SuperPoke!
  • (lil) Green Patch
  • Pass a Drink
  • Slide FunSpace
  • Texas HoldEm Poker
  • Hugged
  • Circle of Friends
  • RockYou live
  • Pink Ribbon
  • We’re Related
  • Music
  • Pillow Fight
  • Food Fling!
  • Which TV Mom are You?
  • What is the theme song of ur life???
  • Which celebrity should you marry?
  • Name Generators
  • livingSocial
  • Yearbook
  • How Well Do You Know Me?
  • Growing up in Oakmont, Pa.
  • Send Your Friends Terrible Towels!
  • Pittsburgh Steelers Swag
  • Send Your Friends hugs!

Photographs of Me

Professional Photograph:

High School Yearbook Picture:

A Candid Photograph:

Another Candid Photograph:

Photograph of the MTS Machine and me:

(Interesting note: The photographer of this picture, Regina Kauffman, was on the crew of the EC9 spyplane that emergency landed in China.)

Photograph from my Football Days:

Photograph of me in the Virginia Tech Flight Simulation Lab:

My Brother Victor and me in Tempe, Arizona:

My Mom and me in Nogales, Mexico:

Me standing with the SR-71 in Tuscon, Arizona:

South Park caricature:

Professional Photograph with some interesting image processing:

Photograph from my days as a Calvin Klein model:

On a boat on Lake Waconia:

In a restaurant next to Mom:

A more up-to-date South Park caricature:

An Open Letter to all Job Recruiters

Dear the five or so job recruiters per day who try to contact me:

First of all, I would like to thank you for your interest. It is comforting to know that I always have options. However, several aspects of you methodology have been a source of irritation to me, so I thought I’d write this letter to make you aware of this.

1. Please do not cold call me. I realize that calling the victim, er, prospective employee is the modus operandi of some of you, and that’s perfectly fine. But, there a little problem here. You see, the resume I have up on has a contact preference set to “Email.” And when that didn’t work, I decided to put a line at the very top, right in the objective, that says “ATTN Recruiters: please contact me by email only, not telephone.” But that didn’t work either. I may have to remove my phone number altogether (which I don’t want to do, because I would like someone I’ve communicated with to be able to refer to it to get my number).

You see, it’s really annoying to get 2 or 3 calls a day while at work, oftentimes when I’m at a meeting. Which brings me to my next annoyance….

2. Ok, you’ve decided to cold call me. Why in God’s Holy Name would you call me during work hours? Isn’t that the worst time imaginable? “Hell-lo, Meester Bonks, my nay-yam is Hajib, er, Michael, I-ee om calleeng you on behoff of a large tech-no-loj-ee-cal firm. Do you have twoo meenutes to speek with me?” Um, yeah, sure Hajib, I’m sure my coworkers won’t suspect anything if I shout my preferred job locations into a phone for the benefit of a guy in India with a bad connection. Which brings me to my third annoyance….

3. Don’t use non-native English speakers to recruit. You’ve outsourced your call center, your software division, your manufacturing, your accounting department, and so on. Fine, you gotta roll with the times. But if there’s one thing you don’t want to outsource to non-native speakers, under any circumstances, it’s recruiting. Let’s take a look at my thought process to figure out why. “Hell-lo, Meester Bonks, my ney-yam is Okmed, er, Matt….” Hmm, some Indian guy is calling me about a job. I’m not too familiar with the firm he’s mentioning. I wonder if I should consider working for it? Well, let’s see, what do I know about this company so far? Number one: They outsource jobs to Asia. Yeah, great first impression there, what American wouldn’t want to work for a company that has a history of shipping jobs overseas?

To be honest, I don’t personally care about this so much; from a purely economic perspective it makes sense to outsource. And I am the sort that wouldn’t exactly be crushed by unemployment. In fact, I’d probably volunteer if there were upcoming layoffs. But, a recruiter does have to talk about more varied things than a customer service rep. I don’t mind talking to Hajib over a billing issue, but over a potential job is a little much.

4. If you’re not going to read my resume, please don’t act like you did. All too often I get emails like this: “Greetings Carl, I have personally reviewed your resume and I believe you would be an excellent fit for this job opportunity. If you have an MSEE and 7+ years experience working with PLC, please respond with an updated resume in Word format.” Um, dude? You just claimed in the very previous sentence that you reviewed my resume. I shouldn’t have to tell you that I don’t have an MSEE nor 7 years experience in anything.

If you’re going to send out mass emails based on keywords, fine, but don’t be a pretentious fool by claiming you read my resume.

5. Give me details about the job. My rule of thumb is that I don’t respond to any recruiter who’s failed to supply at least three things: a brief job description, a job location, and a description of the firm. This should be a common sense thing for a recruiter to provide. I get emails like this all the time: “We are looking for an experienced Python developer. Please call me if you are interested.” Um, how the hell would I know if I’m interested or not? All I have to go on is Python developer. That’s not a brief job decription. What kind of Python developer? What software domain? There’s nothing about a job location or firm.

Even a bit of information might pique my interest; for instance, I’d probably respond to this solicitation: “A medium-size aeronautical firm in Northern California that is looking for an experienced Python developer to write user-friendly interfaces for numerical simulations.” Conversely, the tiny bit of information might be enough to rule out the offer, saving everyone’s time. When recruiters don’t volunteer this information, I assume they have something to hide and ignore it.

6. Emailing me a tenth time isn’t going to get me to alter my decision to have ignored you the previous nine times. If I don’t respond, it’s because I wasn’t interested. Sometimes if a person is polite and emails me back for an answer, yes or no, I’ll write them back to say no. But mostly these repeated messages are just spam.

7. There’s a reason that, although I live in Cincinnati, Cincinnati isn’t listed among my preferred locations on my Monster resume. Hint: It’s because I don’t want to work in Cincinnati.

I think you for reading this, and I would encourage you to pass this on to any of your friends to that all may be enlightened.

Yours truly,

Carl Banks

The Apostrophe Rule

The Apostrophe Rule is a rule I made up while advising someone on an Internet forum what to do about his wife who would always talk his ear off. I’ve been told many times how clever the rule is, so I thought I’d share it with the whole world.

The husband in question here didn’t want to shut his wife down completely, I guess because he thought gossiping was the highlight of her day, or something. Anyway I gave him this rule which is designed merely to set boundaries about who she can talk about, and it’s pretty clever. Here is the rule as the husband would dictate it to his wife:

You may not gossip about anyone you need an apostrophe to name.

If you think about it for a moment, it’s clear how and why it works, but I’ll give some examples anyway. First of all, people who are on first name basis with both spouses are acceptable, since they can be named with their actual name, no apostrophe needed. Any relative or friend of the wife would be acceptable; she could name them as “my sister”, “my mom”, “my best friend”, “my coworker”, “my dentist”, etc. However, the rule kicks in once she starts getting to “my sister’s friend”, “my coworker’s niece”, “my mom’s psychiatrist”, “Dawn’s hairdresser”, etc. Those people need apostrophes to be named, so she is not allowed to talk about them.

This rule has two benefits. It limits the number of people available for the wife to gossip about, ostensibly reducing the overall time she’ll be able to spend gossiping. Also it helps limit the gossip to be about people that the husband is less uninterested in.

As far as I know, I am the first person to come up with this rule. I’ve had a lot of people follow-up with praise for this rule whenever I post it. They will write, “Wow, that’s a really good rule.” I’ve even had women say they would respect men who instituted it. It seems that a lot of people like rule.

The Apostrophe Rule is slightly related to an observation I made about urban legends, which I’ll call the Apostrophe Theorem even though it isn’t a theorem and isn’t even always true, for that matter. It’s just cool to call things theorems. It goes like this:

Whenever someone claims a dubious, urban-legend type story really happened to someone they need an apostrophe to name, it isn’t true.

Point is, stuff you hear from the grapevine, even short grapevines, isn’t trustworthy, which is why gossip about your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate is so inane. What’s the point of listening to all that when it’s probably not even true? Some people have an instinctual filter to that causes untrustworthy information to bore us; others don’t. That’s why we need the Apostrophe Rule.

Why did the movie The Matrix suck so bad?

I just got done watching a very good, highly entertaining movie, V for Vendetta, on FX. It was created by the Wachowski brothers, who made another movie I thought was excellent, Bound, but are most well-known for the Matrix Trilogy.

V for Vendetta and Bound were such good movies, it makes me wonder, why did The Matrix suck so bad?

I know exactly why I didn’t like The Matrix; I just wonder why the Wachowski brothers did it. In V for Vendetta they took existing idea—totalitarianism, vigilanteism, revolution, and vengeance—and made a movie about them, but without the pretension of being the first ones to ever present those ideas. It’s not as if no one has ever sat down and thought about whether vigilanteism is ever justified, and the movie didn’t make itself out to be the first to ever ponder these ideas.

The Matrix, however, did. The Wachowski brothers presented this idea that the world we live in is just an illusion, as if they were the first people to ever ponder that idea. Well, no they weren’t: the Greek philosopher Plato wrote about this idea only around 2500 years ago in his Allegory of the Cave. And, to make matters worse, the movie fails miserably to convince me that the world could be an illusion. I’m apparently expected to believe that if you get shot in the Matrix, your body will be riddled with bullet wounds in the real world, and nonsense like that. The movie tries to be like, “This could really happen,” but the silly inconsistencies, stupid plot devices, and bad thermodynamics destroy that. It tries to be plausible, but it just isn’t.

Cinematographically it’s not even close to being as well done as V for Vendetta or Bound. All it really has going for it is special effects (which are not as technologically advanced as they appear) and little in-jokes (oooh Neo is an anagram of One, that is so cool).

In short, it sucked.

I just wonder how the Wachowski brothers did so poorly with it, when they did so well on other movies.

MRI of my Brain

Yes, this image is really an MRI scan of my brain.

The story behind this image begins in 2005, when I began to experience minor but irritating dizzy spells. After some otolaryngologists were unable to diagnose the problem (I had no hearing loss so it didn’t appear to be Ménière’s Disease), I was recommended to a neural specialist who ran an MRI on me as a precautionary measure. They were looking for multiple sclerosis. Fortunately my brain scan was normal, and as a side effect I got this cool image that shows my brain in all its glory.

By the way, I still don’t know what caused my dizzy spells, but after I went through some physical therapy the spells became much less severe and frequent but I still get them once in awhile. I think it’s safest for me to assume I have a minor case of Ménière’s Disease so I try to avoid getting water in my ears.

Why I think the cost of manned space flight is justified

There is a lot of controversy over whether the money we spend on manned space flight is worth it, with many opponents of it claiming that that money would be better spent on social programs or other things.

Those in favor of funding space flight most often tout the scientific benefits of the space program as its justification. Problem is, it’s a weak argument. From a short-sighted economic standpoint, the science potential doesn’t justify the cost of human space flight, by any reasonable definition (especially since a very big chunk of that science can be accomplished remotely via robots). Some would even say unmanned space flight doesn’t justify the cost.

Of course, one can always argue that this is more than an economic issue (which is valid but lost on a lot of people), or that the science will ultimately pay dividends long term, even if we don’t live to see it. But it would be missing out on a much better argument:

The most immediate and tangible benefit of the space program is not science, but engineering.

There’s an old riddle that goes something like this: What’s the difference between science and engineering? Science costs money, engineering makes money.

Well, in the space program that isn’t true.

Unlike science, engineering is very much goal oriented. Generally, that goal is to make money. And, in the process of engineering so that we can make money, we learn a lot about how to make things better (i.e., safer, more efficient, more reliable, etc.).

But the thing is, when you’re trying to make money, there’s only so much risk you’re willing to take, and therefore, there are only so many goals you’re willing to aim for. But, when you decide to put humans into space at a cost, you create engineering goals that never could have been created simply from people seeking to make a profit. And, in striving to meet those goals, we learn things we wouldn’t learn otherwise.

To me, the engineering benefits justify the money we spend on space flight. I think we should spend more.

I’m not just talking about the Tempurpedic mattress, either. Thanks to the space program, airplane and cars are safer and more fuel efficient. Computers are faster. Many products are cheaper.

And what about all those homeless people we should be feeding instead? The engineering advances we make to achieve space flight could make it more feasible to feed those homeless people. (Not saying it has or will, but could.)

My new conlang (constructed language): Bowtudgelean

As many of my friends and family are aware, I am currently writing a video game, The Ditty of Carmeana, an action-adventure title set in the fictional Kingdom of Bowtudgel. Also as many people know, I am very interested in linguistics. Therefore, I decided this was the perfect opportunity to create a new language for my fictional kingdom. The (in progress) result is Bowtudgelean.

Here’s a summary of some of the aspects of the languages.

Nouns and Adjectives

Nouns in Bowtudgelean are inflected for number and state. Number is familiar to English speakers: a noun can be singular or plural. State—also called definiteness—is the distinction between something specific (usually signaled in English by the definite article “the”) and something not. State is not an aspect of grammar in Indo-European languages (the family that includes English, French, Latin, Russian, Greek, and many others), but it is in Semitic languages such as Arabic. Bowtudgelean is like Arabic in this respect: adjectives agree with nouns in state. However, Bowtudgelean takes state to the extreme: it has ten different states.

Briefly, here the states and their usages:

  • 1st person: Is or includes the speaker or writer.
  • 2nd person: Is or includes the listener or reader.
  • Nominal: A name.
  • Referred: Something just referred to.
  • Indicated: Something indicated by a limiting adjective, prepositonal phrase, or relative clause.
  • Local: Something near the speaker.
  • Remote: Something away from the speaker.
  • Past: Something that occured in the past.
  • Future: Something that will occur in the future.
  • Indefinite: Nothing in particular.

Here’s an example of the declension of the adjective gæðu (“whole”).

1st Persongæðunupi 
2nd Persongæðuken 

An interesting effect of this aspect of grammar is that there are technically no personal pronouns. The word that is used to translate English “I” () is actually the 1st Person singular state of the demonstrative pronoun.

Besides number and state, I’m leaning towards adding a gender distinction to nouns as well.


There is one notable disctinction nouns are not inflected for: case. Bowtudgelean neither uses cases nor word order to determine a noun or pronoun’s role in the sentence. Instead, Bowtudgelean prefixes a noun or pronoun with a particle, called a marker, to determine the role. What makes these markers different from case endings is that they are part of the verb, not part of the noun.

Any given action involves a certain set of participants. In Indo-European languages, the participants fill fixed grammatical slots, regardless of the verb. One of those slots is called the subject, another called the direct object, a third is called the indirect object. In Bowtudgelean, there is no such framework to fit participants into. A participant for a particular verb exists only for that verb; a different verb has a different set of participants. The participants a verb has make sense for it; for some verbs it makes sense to have different participants than the subject-object system would supply English. A few verbs have as many as five participants, and some verbs (for example, ŋejreð “it is raining”) have none at all.

Let’s consider an example: æð, which can be translated as “come” or “go”. Whereas come and go are intransitive in English, in Bowtudgelean æð has three different participants. There is the person going, which is marked by the particle ho. There is the place being moved away from, indictated by the marker tamæ. And there is the place being moved to, indicated by nuð. Here is an example sentence:

Ho voŋ æðga tamæ ðæln nuð patexpejen.

(Key: voŋ = “he,she,it,him,her”, -ga = past tense. Also, notice the referred state ending -n on the nouns.)

In Bowtudgelean, the set of markers used for a given verb (the signature) are not predictable and must be learned, though sometimes they do follow patterns. The most notable is the za-epu- signature used mostly by verbs of manipulation, where a person (marked by za) physically manipulates an object (marked by epu). But in general there are a lot of irregularities in these patterns.

One little side note is that there are a few verbs that have no stem at all; only markers. Naturally, the verbs that mean “to be” are among them (there are two variants: i-linum- and i-nui-). Another is ak-gwa-has-, which means “to say” (ak marks the speaker, gwa the listener, and has the words being spoken).


Unfortunately, there are only two sounds that exist in Bowtudgelean but not in English, and they’re very rare. (They are the velar fricatives: the sounds of German ch in ach, or of the letter gamma in Greek.) I didn’t plan for it; I wanted to have at least one common foreign sound. I had written a word generator to generate random words, and tuned it until it got words that looked like I wanted. Unfortunately, the velar fricatives hardly ever come up.

However, there are plenty of consonant clusters that are not found in English, so it’s not all bad.

Here’s a quick, and approximate, pronounciation guide. The alphabet is phonemic: meaning that letters correspond exactly to sounds (thanks, King Hengou II!)

alike the a in father
ælike the a in cat
elike the a in lame
ilike the i in machine
olike the o in home
ulike the u in dilute
xlike the sh in shape
jlike the s in measure
ðlike the th in those
þlike the th in thin
ŋlike the ng in sing
clike the ch in German ach or Greek gamma
glike the g in go (always hard)

The letters b, d, p, t, k, l, w, f, v, s, z, y, w, m, n, h are all pronounced as in English.

Babel Text

One of the rites of passage when inventing a conlang is to translate the story of the Tower of Babel. Here’s mine, presented (for now) without further comment.

Ðeŋa za ŋome gæðuzdek epu kalðira mogaþa, buzolka-za epu taþihay mogaþay.

Pema lagærigara ar dora xke koyra, æðga ho surka nuð ŋezbey komu jdot Xinaræt, te ruhi surka nomarga lir voŋ.

Ak surka gwa surka hazg: “Umijnotram ar sæz mogi hoxtæhay, te jguxki-ak epu surka mæsæ pomoha.” Za surka lelþoŋa tor hoxtæhay mogi zilæmuha, te tor danurjbyosa mogi ritbazuha.

Þilabo hazg: “Æðmi-ho, ajderam ar sæz mogi axa dæŋu sæz, te mogi newgasiha iðæ jbyæt xpavoŋ komu enra, te þid u sæz guŋærdo. Jraŋ lojozapen epu sæz jalkapu zdomæ.

Ho Jbago æðga nuð moðbel natox ar voŋ ala lux axt te newgasit peŋat ajde-mogi ar stizen.

Þilabo ak Jbago hazg: “Mip þyaþ, pema i surka linum dora ðeyxera osuhæha ðenolka-za epu kalðira mogaþa, za surka þkæðne deþaga epu modlabo, ŋab kowæwtæ ŋætunzæ tojpen þalpe za surka deþa mod peŋa ŋab surka fkersteb þalpe deþa-epu za surka.

“Sajbiðæn æðram ho sæz nuð mika te komu voŋ æhalnæram za sæz epu kalðirt xpasurka, punebe xpodusonpen ruhi kowæwtæ lir mod peŋa has ak æwtæpiz.”

Amusa za Jbago lojozaga epu surka æðolka-ho tamæ voŋ nuð zbalkap zdomæ, te lakipæ ajdega ar surka mogi axen.

Ŋab modlabo zæneyoŋa þalpe simoke ar voŋ lux Babel, kaj komu voŋ za Jbago æhalnæga epu ðenjda xpa ŋome osuhæzdek. Igusen tejdæn ædkolka-tamæ nuð zbalkap zdomæ, za voŋ lojoza epu surka.

Final Note

Bowtudgelean is the Anglicized name of the language. Bæwtujdelix is the language’s own name for itself.

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