Tag: general_motors

Three months in Los Angeles without a car

It can be done.

Today I got my car back after two months in the shop after a month sitting in my garage unused (when I was too busy to attend to it). [1]

But I want to make it clear that good public transit was a big part of my decision where to move to where I live now (Santa Monica), and that my job is fortuitously right across from a bus terminal on the other end of the line. [2] In fact, I had been taking the bus to work for about a month before my car’s transmission started to go. Around the same time I had a big project at work that was nearing a deadline, and so I never got around to taking the car in for service till a month later.

So for that month and the next two, I took buses (and, in a couple cases, a train) everywhere. Granted, I don’t exactly have a vibrant social life, and I have a lot of the stores I need within a few blocks of my apartment. Also, I found that at no point did I have a need to hit anything like a Target [3], which would have been a pain. But the bus was able to get me where I needed to go: doctor’s appointments, destinations here and there, and downtown L.A.

So, the next time someone tells you it’s impossible to live in L.A. without a car, I am proof that it’s definitely possible.

Still, I’m really happy to finally have the car back. In fact, I was so happy I went to the supermarket and filled up a whole cart.


[1] Two months in the shop was for three reasons, 1. I have a Saturn, and my repairs were covered under warranty, but there aren’t any Saturn dealers left near where I live, so I had to take it to a non-Saturn GM dealer, which means they had wait for parts to come in, 2. rather than ordering parts for both repairs I needed at the same time, they ordered the second set of parts after the first repairs, 3. the guy fixing my car took a one-week vacation where nothing was done, and 4. they didn’t call me when it was done so it sat finished for a week.

[2] Or was, rather. You knew that as soon as I found such an arrangement my company was going to find a way to mess it up. Soon after I moved, they moved my desk to a building two miles down the road. But since all my work remains in my old building, I work in that old building in a lab, for now.

[3] At least not until two days before I got the car back.

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