Tag: passive_voice

This post will be missed

File this one under the “Is this the kind of thing you spend your time thinking about?” files. I don’t care. It bothers me.

If someone close to you dies, do you miss them? If someone you like can’t make it to an event you’re attending, do you miss them? Of course you do.

So why, if you miss them, do you say, “You will be missed”, instead of “I will miss you”? What, are you afraid to commit to it or something? You miss this person, wish they were here, but you can’t even muster the never to say it in the active voice.

And don’t give be any bull like, “Well, I was just saying it’s generally true and is not specific to me.” Pshaw. You can say, “We’ll all miss you”, or, “Everyone will miss you”, and not have to be a generalizing non-commital pussy.

So the next time you miss someone, say it, and own it, and don’t just generalize.

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