I grew up in Pgh and am quite familiar with the belt system. It’s origin was not as you suggest,…
I’m old enough that I’ve forgotten the lies I was taught in school. In college my wife used the word…
Sardines and high-oil ocean fishes are also longevity super-foods, something that cannot be claimed by a processed factory protein bar.…
New assessment?
Yes, I was a little aggressive in my timing. Never underestimate raw capitalism.
It’s not 2020 yet, but in 2017 I think we’re pretty much stuck in a mash-up of phases 2 and…
Ben: this chart is actually about realignment. I.e., when a conference expands what conference does is grab new members from.…
I was just thinking of something like this, specifically how 2 losses in the SEC are treated like 1 loss…
In any ‘Many Worlds’ infiniverse, Each universe would consist of a single quantum event (Think it through!) This is contradicted…
Many Worlds clearly sucks because it requires a single quantum event to be exothermic enough to ‘create’ a whole new…
Carl Hope all is well. Found this while sharing stories of our 1994 season with my 7 year old son.…
can’t get it to compile but impressive af
Today is october 30th, 2017 and i still use hrlc for generating my statics pages. I started using hrlc 10…
Hello your program is literally amazing thank you for making history
Hello! I’m just here to let you know that I found this from r/ProgrammerHumor.
chia pets
I’ve been using emacs (nox) since at least 1989, and no other editor. It is reassuring that others (like you)…
To clarify. He was caught by Old Man Willow (originally). Also in HoMe VI what he said to the hobbits…
Sorry, no. Tom Bombadil existed long before LR was formed. In Oxford Magazine. Iirc 1934. See HoMe (History of Middle-earth)…
Recent thoughts on his origin…but I think he’s the nature spirit of simply life. He said that he was there…
Sad that you had to spend a career where no engineer got excited about what they were doing. My experience…
i should add, although many wealthy people do not stand out from the crowd, the very fact they are wealthy…
panda’s are popular because they are exclusive. why are socialites treated like celebrities? it’s because they have immense wealth. although…
Thanks! Your’e opinion really heped me on my Time Travel essay!
quite easy to circumvent. instead of “my sister’s friend” just say “friend of my sister.” “niece of my coworker.” “psychiatrist…
easy: If you’re thinking about circumventing the rule, you’re missing the point. This rule is about one spouse communicating boundaries…
Mike, that sounds urban-legendy to me, but I got my historical information from random web sites so who knows. Thanks…